3 Tips to Elevate Your Dream Singles Swag

What makes women attracted to you? It’s not about looks or money, but it’s the way you carry yourself. How do you carry yourself in a way that makes women more attracted to you? There is definitely not one answer to this question but at the end of the day it all comes down to confidence. Here are 3 ways you can appear more confident and elevate your Dream Singles swag.
1. Update your Profile
One of the easiest ways to elevate your Dream Singles swag is simply to update your profile picture to a better image of you. If you want to know more about the best strategy for your profile check out our article How to Get the Best Out of Your Dream Singles Profile.
On your profile, you can show your confidence through the smile on your profile picture, through humor in your about section, and many other ways. Don’t paint yourself as someone who you’re not. Show off the best things about yourself.
2. Be Open About Your Intentions
There’s no easier way to discourage a woman than being indecisive. Show your confidence by being honest about what you are looking for. If someone isn’t looking for the same thing that’s okay, but you’ll both be glad that you didn’t just waste time.
It’s so easy to overthink these situations. Honesty is the best way to help you reach your goals in a relationship. Introduce people to the real you and if they like you great, see where it goes. If not, then they are simply not for you, and there is NOTHING wrong with that.
3. Approach Women with Confidence
Your first impression is everything! Psychology Today helps us understand that it’s pretty hard to come back from a first impression. Swag is all about confidence and confidence is key when it comes to dating.
You don’t want to come on too strong, but you don’t want to seem too timid either. So where is the line drawn? When you start communicating with someone, be confident in yourself. As we said before, be open about your intentions but without telling your whole life story.
Luckily confidence is something that can be learned. There are so many little things you can do to elevate your Dream Singles swag. You don’t have to change your entire life to show your confidence, you can take a more flattering picture of yourself or simply be straightforward when approaching someone. We hope these tips help you learn how to show off your confidence on Dream Singles.
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