How to Find a Specific Member on Dream Singles

We want to show you how to find a specific member on Dream Singles. A leading niche dating site like Dream Singles can’t yield good results for you if you don’t know how to work the site. It’s as simple as that! But don’t fret. We are going to walk you through the process one step at a time. Are you ready?
Let’s Take It From The Top
Login to the Dream Singles website.
Click Search from the left-side panel.
If you are on your mobile phone, you will click on the hamburger menu.
From there, you will click on the magnifying glass.
You will be brought to the Quick Search tab. If you know the profile ID of the member you like (i.e., 7505204), you may enter it in the Search by ID field. Also, if you would like to only search by age, you may do so on the same tab. But what if you want to filter the members in more depth? We have a tab for that too!
Welcome to the Advanced Search tab. Within this tab, you may select members based on 17 different criteria. This impressive search feature was established with you in mind. If you know what you want, why do you need to waste time browsing? Let’s take a look at the different types of criteria you are able to select.
Age Range
There is a wide range you can choose from, whether you are looking for someone as young as 18 or someone as old as 90. We believe there is someone for everyone. Could your special partner be waiting for you on Dream Singles? Start your search and find out!
Height Range
Are you searching for a specific member who won’t tower over you if she puts on heels? What about someone who is the exact same height as you? No worries, you can filter all the members you want to see based on height. Our shortest members are 4’ 5” and our tallest members are 6’ 6” (for you height lovers).
Weight Range
Weight can be such a touchy subject. But when you are dating online, you don’t have to be surprised about whether or not your potential partner will not fancy your weight desires. You can pinpoint members that are within the weight range you desire. And do you know what the best part is? You don’t have to come up with an awkward way of asking for this information! You can chat with ease, knowing that your special person is exactly what you are looking for. Ah, the benefits of online dating.
Hair Color
Do you favor blondes over brunettes? How do you feel about redheads? Do they make you tingle inside with butterflies? Whatever your preference is, you can find the right match with this field. Dream Singles members have blonde, black, brown, gray, white, red and light-brown hair. Which one is your favorite?
Eye Color
All of our members are so unique and beautiful in their own way. Are you desiring to gaze into brown eyes? What about blue? Perhaps you feel most drawn to people who have hazel eyes. No matter where your interest lies, you can discover the perfect partner for you. Other eye colors you can choose from would be grey-blue, green and grey.
Relationship Status
When you are dating for a serious relationship, you will want to know your potential partner’s relationship status. This is very important. If they are single, great. No big deal. But if they are divorced with two kids, that is something you need to know up front. Understanding this information will help you make the best decision for your dating life. Perhaps they are widowed or just recently separated. Either way, you shouldn’t be in the dark about the relationship status of your interest. That’s why Dream Singles allows this information to be filtered – to help you search for the best mate.
English Ability
When it comes to international dating online, cultural differences and language barriers can become obstacles (nothing you can’t handle, of course). Maybe you just haven’t had time to learn the language of your interest and you want to see if they speak pretty good English first. Allow yourself the freedom of searching members on Dream Singles based on how well they speak English. Basic, Intermediate, Almost Fluent and Fluent are the categories you can choose from. Learning a different language can be intimidating so this would be a good place to start if you just aren’t ready for that leap yet.
Interested in exploring the Advanced Search tab more? Go for it! All you have to do is follow the instructions we mentioned earlier and you can discover the other filters. Indeed, there are a variety of fields that you can filter through to find a specific member on Dream Singles. And when you know how to find a specific member on Dream Singles, you are empowered. You know that you can find the exact person your heart desires most.
advancsed search tab is way to small
Am so handsome