3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Send Money to Daters Who Ask

At Dream Singles, we aim to provide a safe virtual dating environment that fosters connection. We want to take a moment to warn you about the dangers of sending money to daters online. In no way should you get messages about money requests on Dream Singles. In fact, there are 3 reasons why you shouldn’t send money to daters who ask.
They Only Care About Your Finances
To begin with, some people are stingy with their money even when it comes to family. So why would you willingly give your money to someone you just met five minutes ago? Some of us, in a sheer act of kindness, send money to total strangers because they are in dire need. You want to show them that you care and sending money could be your way of caring from a distance. But let’s think about it. If the person who is asking you for money really cared about you, they would really try to get to know you. They wouldn’t just ask you for money. This is the first reason why you shouldn’t send money to daters who ask. They don’t really care about you, they only care about your finances.
You’re in Control
Secondly, don’t forget that you hold the power to your own wallet. Of your own volition, you may send gifts to members that you are building a relationship with. Sending gifts through the Dream Singles gift shop is safe and trouble-free. However, if an online dater asks you for money, do not feel obligated to hand it over. In fact, you should never give your money away to someone you don’t know. If someone is bothering you about money requests, you need to contact Dream Singles immediately. You shouldn’t feel pressured to send a gift and any requests for money is a definite red flag.
What Should I Do If a Member Asks for Money?
We aim to shut down scammers before they can communicate with our members. So if a Dream Singles member requests money from you, notify us immediately. Behavior like this is not tolerated on the site. How can you contact Dream Singles? You will need to fill out a simple form in order to reach our customer service. Be sure to give Dream Singles the Profile ID of the person who asked you for money. Doing so will allow us to expedite the removal of the profile from the website. Your safety is our top priority!
Dream Singles Anti-Scam Protection Policy
Dream Singles actually prohibits any requests for money. If you find yourself in a situation where a member is asking you for money, reach out to us. Dream Singles considers requesting money or expensive gifts through chats or emails a form of scamming behavior.
All in all, online dating is about getting to know someone and building a relationship with someone. It is not about sending your hard earned money to a stranger you just met. Remind yourself often of these 3 reasons why you shouldn’t send money to daters who ask. Remember to always protect yourself and trust your gut instincts. In most cases, your intuition is spot on.
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I like your rules on money they need to do it on all sites like this
Hi all,
I don’t want to sound like a snitch, but 2 members of dream singers asked me for money outside the site, in private communication (after exchanging the equal of our personal details on Dream-singles. Tamara S. wanted take English lessons to be able to communicate with me when we first met, and I sent her 300 € via Western Union. shortly after, I realized that she had a profile on Facebook that is on and most of the pictures she sent me during our email correspondence. She had many admirers on her Facebook profile, and of course she never agreed to add me to her friends. It could have hurt to her fan club. she remained connected day and night on Dream-Singles but she no longer wrote to me there. She only accepted communications by personal email, I did not have her phone number and I did not have access to his Facebook profile. I quickly ended this toxic relationship.
But the Golden medal undoubtedly goes to Olga B, also from Kiev. I went to meet her there in April 2019. She told me she would be arriving from her mother’s house in the countryside and kindly asked me if I could pay the taxi bill. I couldn’t refuse without being rude. I saw her arrive with a “friend interpreter” in a car that was not worth the gasoline that you can put in it. When I saw the note, I thought her mother lived on Mars. I was waiting for her for lunch, she arrived at 3pm and I was no longer hungry. She took me to a stuffy restaurant where there is a fresh pepper attendant and another for collecting crumbs. Then she wanted us to go shopping, and I found myself in a Victoria’s Secret store where she made me buy over $ 1000 worth of lingerie that I had never seen on her. There followed a passage to the supermarket to buy groceries at my expense, then she left me alone in the middle of the mall and she went home with her bags. I was so disgusted that the next day I cancelled everything and returned to France.
After a few months of silence, my feelings and my compassion made us reconnect a few months later. I went back to see her in december 2020. Since I arrived a bit late, I had no time to change money at the airport. I gave her 300 € and asked her to change them for me in Ukrainian currency. We went to hee beauty store to take the money and make the exchange. Instead, she bought herself luxury shampoos and creams and gave me back the equivalent of € 15. It started well! Then we went to a Japanese restaurant, ate 3.5 sushi and drank tea. Once I got a few hundred dollars lighter, I went back to my hotel. The next day’s scenario was pretty much the same. To make things short, I paid for her children’s gifts for Christmas, but I never saw her again. This time the benefit of the doubt was no longer possible.
Over and done.
I hope these two stories will give you a lesson and confirm that westerners are often seen as generous fools who just need to believe in love, without ever getting it.
Of course, since everything happened outside of Dream Singles, I have no recourse, but my gentleman’s conscience is safe.
Take care.